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Israel Alone
Netanyahu’s Israel: Rise of the Far Right
The Killing of Gaza: Reports on a Catastrophe
Zaatari: Culinary Traditions of the World's Largest Syrian Refugee Camp
War Remains: Ruination and Resistance in Lebanon (The Contemporary Issues in the Middle East)
Heat, a History: Lessons from the Middle East for a Warming Planet
Shakespeare in Tehran: Meeting the Mothers of Those Who Lead the Iranian Revolution of Woman, Life, Freedom
The Land in Our Bones: Plantcestral Herbalism and Healing Cultures from Syria to the Sinai--Earth-based pathways to ancestral stewardship and belonging in diaspora
Epic Iran: 5000 Years of Culture
The Doctors' Dinner Party (The Library of Arabic Literature)
Political Performance in Syria: From the Six-Day War to the Syrian Uprising (Studies in International Performance) (English Edition)
Loved Egyptian Night: The Meaning of the Arab Spring
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